Design/Build Process
Single Source Responsibility for your Total Building Needs
In today’s construction market, the Design/Build method of construction is recognized as the best and most efficient way for an Owner to build. Experience is the key element to this process; BSI has been employing this method since 1967.
Using Design/Build the Owner is able to place the responsibility for the project’s success under a single Design/Build contract with Building Systems, Inc. The traditional competitive-bidding process tends to pit building owners, design professionals, and developers against their contractors. With Design/Build the Owner becomes a member of BSI’s design/build team, a partner who will work with our professionals to develop the projects specifications and design and to ensure that both budget and schedule are met.
BSI and the Owner as a team can at the earliest stages of the project development assist with long range planning, future budget forecasting and introduce value-engineering solutions.
The major advantages that the Design/Build method offers over the traditional method are:
- Experience working for the owner at the initial project development
- Single source responsibility
- Guaranteed total costs before construction begins
- Faster design and start of construction
- Greater flexibility for changes thanks to direct communication
These advantages translate into the following benefits:
- Lower total cost
- Faster occupancy
- Greater customer satisfaction